ChatGPT: A New Approach to Revolutionise Organisations


  • Dharmendra Singh PIIT College, India


AI (Artificial Intelligence), ChatGPT, Smart Analytics, NLP (Natural Language Processing).


Every few decades, a revolutionized innovation enters the marketplace that profoundly changes the way industries operate, individuals interact, or governments function. The 20th century was marked by major breakthroughs like the development of the telephone, the automobile, and the personal computer. Today, we are witnessing the dawn of the AI, a technology that allows devices to communicate with one another without requiring back-end user action or input. AI has the potential to completely revolutionize the way we discover, interact, analyze, and use data. It can also reduce costs, improve efficiency, foster transparency, and provide
personalized services. AI opens up access to better data, smarter analytics and more customized customer experiences. Given its potential, AI is expected to continue revolutionizing the world in the coming years.



How to Cite

Dharmendra Singh. (2023). ChatGPT: A New Approach to Revolutionise Organisations. International Journal of New Media Studies: International Peer Reviewed Scholarly Indexed Journal, 10(1), 57–63. Retrieved from